
Botanical Name : Berberis Aristata

Berberin : 95%


Berberis Aristata DC (Berberidaceae) commonly known in Hindi as “Daruhaldi” is an important medicinal herb native to Northern Himalaya region.

The plant contains isoquinoline alkaloids out of which berberine is a major bioactive constituent. The plant also contains a number of important phytochemicals which are alkaloids of the type isoquinoline, bisbenzyl-isoquinoline and other bioactive constituents like flavonoids and phenolic acids.

It is used singly or in combination with other medicinal plants for treating a variety of ailments like jaundice, enlargement of spleen, leprosy, rheumatism, fever, morning/evening sickness, and snakebite, and so forth. In addition, the decoction of root or stem of Berberis known as “Rasaut” is specifically used in eye disease, skin disorders, and indolent ulcers. It's herbal formulations are used to treat malaria, bleeding, fever, skin and eye infections, jaundice, diarrhoea and hepatitis for a long time. It's traditional use as anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-pyretic, immunostimulant, laxative, anti-haemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory agent is also well known.

Benefits of Daruharidra