
Botanical Name : Plectranthus Barbatus

Forskolin : 10-40%

Coleus Forskohlii

Coleus Forskohlii, belonging to the family Labiatae is an ancient root drug mentioned in Ayurvedic Materia Medica under the Sanskrit name ‘Makandi’. Morphologically, the root of C. Forskohlii is thick, fibrous and radially spread, golden brown in color.

Forskohlii is the chief chemical constituent, having blood pressure lowering and antispasmodic effects, from the roots, Forskohlii is extracted from the tuberous roots of the plant and thus far, C. Forskohlii is the only species known to contain significant amounts of the bioactive component. The Forskohlii production is high in roots of C. Forskohlii.

Forskohlii is a diterpene that acts directly on adenylate cyclase. Adenylate Cyclase is an enzyme that activates Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, or Cyclic AMP (cAMP) in the cell. The therapeutic effects of this alkaloid ‘Forskohlii’ are well-documented as being a hypotensive, antispasmodic, positive inotrophic, vasodilator, smooth muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, with anti-platelet aggregation, a bronchodilator, and anti-glaucoma agent.

Benefits of Coleus Forskohlii